Protect Your Slide-in Pickup Truck Bed Camper Shell from Winter Storage Issues. Here for Sale are the Best Slip on RV Garage Storage Covers sold at Cheap, Discount Prices.
Pick-up truck campers are ideal for exploring the outdoors and traveling the country on a limited budget. Two people can travel, explore and camp for next to nothing. These truck bed shells don’t take up much space and when the trip is over they are easy to store. Because these camper shells will virtually last forever, you want to maintain their good looks and keep up their re-sale value even into the next decade. Dust, dirt, birds, insects, tree sap, and UV rays can turn a new truck bed shell camper dirty & old in a matter of a few short months.
A truck bed camper cover could prove to be a valuable resource for the life of your slide-in camper shell. Upon the return of your camping trip when you slide the shell off the truck bed, you can quickly provide your camping shell with its own protective “garage”, a winter storage cover that protects your weekend warrior from the damaging UV rays, corrosive acid rain, tree sap & debris as well as mold and mildew. When considering the purchase of the best pickup truck camper cover for your needs you should start with the type of protection you need.
If you have a protected structure where you store your pickup truck’s shell like a garage or shed then you are just looking for a dust cover to keep the pick-up truck’s camper shell clean. Single –ply dust covers are for sale a cheap discount prices. If you are wanting protection from the rain and snow during the winter months then you need to consider a slide-in camper cover with a 3-ply top and single ply sides. The 3-ply breathable top provides three layers of winter storage protection because it releases the moisture from rain and snow that gets on the camper shell. This roof top slip on cover protects the camper shell from water pooling on the top as well as the snow cycle, melting & refreezing then sitting for months, on your pickup truck camper. The three-ply covers also provide moderate UV protection for truck bed campers in the northern part of the US. But if the protection you need for the slide-in pick-up truck’s camper shell is from the UV rays of the hot southern desert or any area that has more than 3 months of 90º or higher temperatures, then you are going to need a cover that is made of woven material. Only a cover made of a woven fabric can stand up to the rigors of extreme UV rays. Winter storage covers say that they are UV resistant but in no way are they able to stand up to the UV rays of the desert Southwest or the humid sub-tropical South.
It is always important when ordering your RV cover that you measure your RV yourself. If you are planning on purchasing the correct size for a truck camper cover, you must take into consideration two measurements: (#1 in the picture) the length measurement along the base of the camper- the part of the camper shell that sits in the bed of your truck and (#2 in the picture) the overall length along the roof of the truck camper. Be sure to measure the entire length including the ladder. Although the most important measure is the length in the bed of a truck, the newer truck camper models have been designed to be longer than the average bed length and require a larger cover to accommodate the longer body styles measured along the roof. All Truck Camper Covers are 9' wide.

At RV Covers Protect our customers have four styles of truck camper covers from which to choose. The customer always save money because we offer our customers the best value with cheap discount prices on all slide-in pickup truck bed camper shell covers that are for sale. The goal at RV Covers Protect is to offer our customers a wide variety of truck bed camper covers for sale at a cheap, discount price. At RV Covers Protect you will receive courteous, knowledgeable customer service. Your orders will be handled promptly and shipped as quickly as possible. You will be notified by email as soon as the pick-up truck camper storage cover is shipped so that you know when to expect your cover. It is important to remember when you spend more than $100 at RV Covers Protect, you will get FREE shipping to anywhere in the contiguous continental United States and if you live outside the state of Georgia, there is no sales tax.
While visiting RV Covers Protect, be sure to check out the rest of our site for the best additional RV accessories that might be of interest to truck camper owners: RV/truck windshield covers, propane tank covers, AC covers, spare tire covers and RV wheel covers.