Protect Your Pontoon & Deck Boat While Mooring, Trailering and During Winter Storage with a Pontoon or Deck Boat Storage Cover. We offer Custom Fit Waterproof Full Slip Covers for any Size Party Barge Pontoon Boat at the Best Sales Prices.

The style of a pontoon and deck boats have not changed over the years. They are basically a flat opened-air boat with plenty of deck space on which to move around. The flat decks of these boats could easily present a problem when the party barge is left without the protection of a cover. Mooring issues arise when the pontoon is not protected from water pooling on the wooden, carpeted deck or from the UV rays of the sun beating down on the pontoon boat’s seats. The pontoon itself and its seats and furniture start to discolor and become unsightly with cracking & splitting of the marine vinyl from extensive UV rays and weakening of the wooden deck from potential wood rot. The electrical mechanisms in the console could become damaged from the constant exposure to wind, rotting debris, and rain & winter snow. All of these offseason issues could require costly maintenance, but can easily be avoided with a protective pontoon or deck boat storage slip cover that will waterproof the deck, seats & the console.
Pontoon boats and deck boats are special boats and therefore they will need a special cover that will properly fit. Your pontoon or deck boat cover needs to protect the seats, deck & the other furniture from the UV rays of the sun, from mildew created as a result of standing water, and from the debris that will collect on any boat during the winter offseason or long periods of inactivity. There are two types of waterproof pontoon or deck boat storage covers- full mooring slip covers and trailerable custom storage covers. When your boat is tied at the dock mooring and not in use, the best way to protect your deck or pontoon boat is to use a full storage slip cover that is easy to put on while the boat is the water.
If the main reason you are purchasing a pontoon or deck boat cover is to protect the boat, its seats, deck and all of its accessories while traveling the interstate then you need a full trailerable cover. When purchasing a trailerable pontoon, party barge or deck boat storage cover you will need to be sure that trailering straps and tie-down ropes are included to keep the full pontoon or deck boat cover in place while it is being transported on the back roads, highways and interstate. When looking for the best trailerable pontoon boat slip cover, two convenient features to consider when a storage cover is on sale would be dual air vents to prevent wind lofting on the highway and handy access to the fuel system of your “party barge.” This trailerable pontoon, party barge or deck boat cover will serve as the perfect winter storage cover for offseason storage and waterproof protection of all your boating equipment.
Whether you need a slip storage cover for mooring or one that is trailerable make sure it is resistant to mildew and UV damage as well as waterproof and made from a deluxe high strength marine grade canvas with a chemical coating designed for all weather protection. Remember that just because you purchased a Bentley, Bennington or a Suntracker party barge, that doesn’t mean that you must purchase a factory made winter storage cover. Even if you are looking for a replacement protective waterproof cover for your Bentley, Bennington or Suntracker pontoon or deck boat you will find that both the universal fit and the custom fit slip covers by Eevelle and Classic Accessories are just as good and cost much less.
The universal covers from Eevelle and Classic Accessories have sizing that changes every 3 feet ranging from 17-20’ and from 21-24’. These universal covers feature interlock seams and are double stitched with waterproof “rot-proof" thread and the reinforced sewn-in elastic cord helps to provide a secure custom fit for mooring your boat to the dock. This full cut lightweight storage cover allows extra room for accessories such as bow rails, running lights, etc. as well as your fishing rods and all fishing equipment. The universal fit pontoon cover can provide the same waterproof protection for your pontoon or deck boat as the overpriced factory made covers but at a cheap discount price. Here for sale at our cheap discount price you will find the universal fit replacement pontoon storage covers that are a welcome change compared to that of the factory made Bennington, Bentley or Suntracker party barge slip covers. These boat covers will provide your pontoon with full protection from mold, mildew, and UV rays that damage pontoons left unattended. Many of these factory made boat covers are secured to the boat with snaps. The problem with that is most pontoon and deck boat storage covers do not have snaps so you are forced by the manufacturer to go back to the factory made pontoon and deck boat covers that are extremely expensive. The pontoon & deck boat covers sold at RV Covers Protect are not snap on covers; the storage covers have an elastic stock cord to secure them while mooring in the water.
The custom fit WindStorm pontoon and deck boat covers have sizing that changes every foot ranging from 12’6” to 34’6”. They have the best warranty in the boat cover business and come with a motor cover. These pontoon and deck boat covers have the longest warranty- 7 years of protection! All of the winter pontoon covers have the integrated strap system designed for trailering. Whether you have a deck boat with a ski tower, one with the low rails, a modified V performance deck boat or an Inboard/Outboard deck boat with walk through windshield and side consoles, WindStorm deck boat covers are semi-custom made-to-order boat covers made of a marine grade fabric that will withstand the harshest weather elements and will outperform all critical categories of protection. Whether you choose a universal fit pontoon slip cover or the semi-custom fit of the WindStorm pontoon boat storage cover or deck boat slip cover you will save a great deal of money over the factory made storage covers.
RV Covers Protects has four pontoon/party barge boat covers and four semi-custom deck boat slip covers for sale from which to choose. We off our customers the best universal and semi-custom pontoon, party barge or deck boat covers for sale at cheap affordable discount prices. We provide expert advice about the best boat storage covers and FREE shipping for any order over $100 in the continental United States.